Sunday 8 April 2012

Testing an ebook

I've used the text of this blog as my first attempt at seeing how to create

This was created using Open Office Writer and its extension Writer2ePub

I also tweaked the style very slightly using Sigil.

This is currently just for my own amusement.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Back to work

Back to work after my holiday was interesting.

First day back, I decided to increase my carbs to make sure I could actually work.

I was glad I did because the day was quite busy and I felt very hungry when working hard.

Over the next few days, I found it difficult to work out what changes in diet had what effect.

What I told my insurance company

Please accept this as notification that I have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
This is treated with diet and tablets.
I am not treated with insulin.
I have never experienced a hypoglycemic episode.
There is no indication that I am likely to experience such an episode.

What my insurance company said

Thank you for your e-mail.

We do not need to know any details relating to any medical condition that you or any driver on your policy may have.

If the DVLA has issued you a driving licence with full knowledge of any medical condition, this would be satisfactory to us.

I hope this answers your query.

Kind Regards

What the DVLA said

Thank you for telling us about your medical condition. The DVLA does not need to make medical enquiries and therefore you may keep your driving licence. If you are applying for a new driving licence, one will be issued to you soon.

Information about your condition and driving is enclosed with this letter. You should keep this for future reference.

Link to enclosure's text (opens in new window)

Thursday 15 March 2012

Thanks for the diet advice.

I have the greatest respect for dieticians.
If a consultant tells me I need a balanced diet without wheat, milk, meat or anything with an "a" in its name, I'll be really pleased to see the dietician.

However, I've always been a little dubious of their ability to provide advice about specific conditions.

Monday 12 March 2012

Questions to ask the nurse

I found this list in my pocket. It's been there simce I saw the nurse the other day.
  • When was my HbA1c and what was the reading?